Uma Questão de Sorte? Estagiários de Jornalismo
segunda-feira, junho 13, 2005
Achei este artigo da Universidade de Berkeley, quando procurava informações sobre o ensaísta português a viver em França, Eduardo Lourenço - vi recentemente (sexta-feira) um documentário fantástico na A Dois (já com alguns anos), sobre ele.

Aqui fica um excerto desse artigo escrito por um ex-professor de Retórica e Argumentação, Tito Cardoso e Cunha, por ocasião da sua estadia na Universidade de Berkeley, Califórnia. Recordo as aulas dele como algo com algum interesse. Era um homem com uma experiência grande e com bastante para ensinar mas, como a maior parte dos professores, com pouca apetência para o ensino e para a capacidade de exposição nos assuntos.

Visiting Scholar Tito C. Cunha
Associate Professor of Communication Sciences at the Lisbon New University
In the Communication Sciences Department of the New University of Lisbon, where I currently teach, I have offered several courses on Rhetoric. My interest in Rhetoric arose during the time when I was a student at the Free University of Brussels, under the tutalage of Professor Cahim Perelman, author of a famous book entitled New Rhetoric.

Until very recently, however, the topic of Rhetoric in Europe(and particularly in Portugal) had disappeared from the theoretic concerns of the Universities and was not being taught.

The same is not true in the United States, where Rhetoric has remained an object of study, teaching, and investigation. Consequently, the resources available on the subject are considerably more extensive and developed in this country. Furthermore, the body of available literature in this country addresses and analyses the theme of Rhetoric to a depth which, until very recently, was unparalleled in Europe.

Having visited the University of California, Berkeley during a brief trip in 2000, it seemed the ideal location to conduct an investigation that, at the time, had the objective of preparing a publication regarding the rhetoric in the discourse of knowledge.

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